Filed Under Missoula

Corbin Hall

The University of Montana Historic District

The construction of this women’s residence hall, completed in 1927, marks the end of an era. It was the last building erected in strict accordance with the Carsley-Gilbert campus master plan and placed within the intended U-shaped dormitory arrangement. George Carsley and Missoula architect C. J. Forbis collaborated on the design of this Renaissance Revival style building. It was to be Carsley’s last contribution to the campus and one of the last of his prolific career. Red-brown brick, cream-colored terra cotta, and green Spanish roof tile mirror the features of Brantly Hall, but the omission of a horizontal line on the third story visually diminishes their differences in size.


Corbin Hall
Corbin Hall Corbin Hall. Front view of the building, facing northwest on campus. Ivy can be seen growing up the sides of the building. Source: Montana History Portal Creator: Rollin H. McKay Date: 1944


32 Campus Drive, Missoula, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Corbin Hall,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,