Filed Under Missoula

642 South Fifth Street West

McCormick Neighborhood Historic District

Elegant Colonial Revival and classical stylistic elements define the architecture of this two-and-one-half-story residence. Round columns support the open front porch while hipped roof dormers add living space and light. Boxed eaves, an ornately bracketed cornice, and dentils (toothlike projections) beneath the cornice line reflect the builders’ attention to detail. By 1902, developers had platted the 600 block of South Fifth. Eight years later, William and Clara Berry and H. G. and Lottie Ford purchased lot seven, building this house as an investment. Furniture salesman David Haviland rented the home for his wife Leta, their two daughters, and Leta's brother, a drapery salesman, in 1910. Grocer Thomas Farley and his wife Edna occupied the residence by 1920, purchasing it in 1922. In 1926, the Farleys sold the house to Oscar and Effie Wold. Born in Norway, Oscar immigrated to the United States as a young boy. His career with the Forest Service began in 1908, and he served as longtime fiscal agent in Missoula. The couple and their daughter lived here, sometimes joined by other family members, until after World War II.


642 South Fifth Street West
642 South Fifth Street West 642 South Fifth Street West. Front/side view of the house, facing northeast on the corner of South 5th Street West and Hickory Street. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Philip Maechling Date: Date unknown


642 South 5th Street West, Missoula, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “642 South Fifth Street West,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,