Filed Under Helena

316 Pine Street

Helena South-Central Historic District

A simple log dwelling stood on this lot in 1892. The dwelling was possibly an early residence of the Halford family, who originally owned property in this block of Pine Street. The present home replaced the log structure during the 1890s. Originally it was a two-story, brick, single-family residence with a stone foundation, large front porch, and wood-shingled upper story. The central second-story doorway opened onto a balcony. A rental home for most of its history, the spacious residence catered to large families like the Johnsons, who lived here in 1920 with their seven children. Exceptional brickwork sets this residence apart, revealing the practiced hand of an anonymous master mason. Segmentally arched windows of curved brick with wooden heads and rusticated limestone sills are particularly well crafted. That the home remained almost unscathed during the 1935 earthquakes is a tribute to its solid construction.


316 Pine Street
316 Pine Street 316 Pine Street. Front view of the house, facing north on Pine Street with the Halford House to the left (west) in the photograph. Digital photograph. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Michael Connolly Date: Jan. 2020
316 Pine Street
316 Pine Street 316 Pine Street. Front to side view of the house, facing north to northwest on Pine Street with a view of the Halford House to the left (west) in the photograph. Digital photograph. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Michael Connolly Date: Jan. 2020


316 Pine Street, Helena, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “316 Pine Street,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,