Filed Under Philipsburg

Kaiser House

Philipsburg Historic Disctrict

Michael Kaiser, founder of the Philipsburg Water Company, built this grand hotel in 1881. One of Philipsburg’s oldest masonry structures, the original hotel boasted a wraparound porch extending halfway around the building. Second-story French doors, matching windows below, and four Norman arched double doors with fan transoms speak to its excellent design. A fine bar, billiard room, and T-bone steaks for 50 cents made the Kaiser House a place applauded by travelers and residents alike.


Kaiser House
Kaiser House Kaiser House, facing northeast on the corner of Broadway Street and Montgomery Street, front/side view of building. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Michael Connolly Date: June 2019
Kaiser House
Kaiser House Kaiser House, facing north on Broadway Street near intersection of Montgomery Street, front view of the façade, digital photograph. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Michael Connolly Date: June 2019
Kaiser House
Kaiser House Kaiser House, facing east on Montgomery Street, side view of the building, digital photograph. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Michael Connolly Date: June 2019
Kaiser House
Kaiser House Kaiser House, facing southeast on Montgomery Street near alley, side/rear view of the building showing the door that once connected the Kaiser House to the Kaiser House Annex (Stephens Hotel building), digital photograph. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Michael Connolly Date: June 2019
Kaiser House
Kaiser House Kaiser House. Facing north on Broadway Street near intersection of Montgomery Street, front view of the façade. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1980-1984
Kaiser House
Kaiser House Kaiser House. Facing northeast on the corner of Broadway Street and Montgomery Street, front/side view of building. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1980-1984


203 East Broadway Street, Philipsburg, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Kaiser House,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,