Filed Under Butte

Remmert/Torreano House

Butte Historic District

Queen Anne style cottages proliferated in Butte’s West Side neighborhood in the 1890s, eventually comprising about 14 percent of the neighborhood’s homes. Hipped roofs, hexagonal bay windows with gabled roofs, and mass-produced wood ornamentation are common stylistic elements. Victor F. Huffman, an engineer at the Butte City Water Co. and his wife Marie, a boardinghouse owner, purchased this Queen Anne style house in 1898 when it was new. After Marie and her sister built the Kenwood boardinghouse on Broadway in 1903, the Huffmans moved there, and they rented this house to various tenants. Pittsmont mine fireman Frank Remmert and his wife Mary purchased the home in 1909. Frank died in 1917, and Mary sold the house to Martin Lisa, owner of the Lisa Cash Grocery. His Italian specialty market was one of more than two hundred family-run grocery stores listed in Butte in 1918. He lived here with his nieces, Angelina Lisa and Irene Torreano, and Irene’s husband Louis, who spent his career in the grocery business. Martin died in 1921 and Irene and Louis remained in residence until 1947.


311 S. Jackson St.
311 S. Jackson St. External view Source: Google Streetview Date: Aug 2021


311 S. Jackson St., Butte | private


Montana Historical Society, “Remmert/Torreano House,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,