Filed Under Kalispell

1135 First Avenue East

East Side Historic District

Built between 1927 and 1930, this five-room, “strictly-modern” home was the only house on the block which had an attached garage. This adaptation to car culture suited Kalispell, many of whose residents were active in the “Good Roads” movement—an effort dedicated to promoting the construction of car-worthy streets and highways. James and Vera Bosworth, who likely built this ell-shaped, clipped gable residence, worked for the U.S. Forest Service (he as assistant supervisor of the Blackfeet National Forest, she as a clerk). The house’s arched entrance and asymmetrical composition are hallmarks of the English Tudor cottage style. In 1935, Harry Keith, treasurer of the Kalispell Mercantile, and his wife Katherine purchased the home, but they lived here only briefly. Jacobson family members were the longest residents. Farmers Hans and Beulah Jacobson moved to Kalispell in 1941 likely looking for refuge from eastern Montana’s extended drought. By 1951, they had bought this house, where they lived with six of their nine children. Their daughter Florence, a bookkeeper and champion bowler, remained in residence until 2019.


1135 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, MT
1135 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, MT View of facade, facing east Source: Photo submitted by property owner Date: ca 2020


1135 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT | private


Montana National Register Sign Program, “1135 First Avenue East,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,