Filed Under Butte

St. Patrick's Convent

Butte National Historic Landmark District

Irish, Cornish, German, Finnish, Italian, and Slavic immigrants poured into the rough mining town of Butte during the 1880s. As the majority of these newcomers were Catholic and many brought their families, St. Patrick’s Parish soon had need of a school. The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, who had come here in 1881 to establish St. James’ Hospital, assumed the task of educating Butte’s Catholic youth. By 1889, a new school building accommodated both elementary and high school classes. The sisters lived on the school’s third floor until 1906, when this beautiful home was completed for them. Architect J. G. Link’s design reflects the post-Victorian era trend toward revival styles and features intricate brickwork, classical detailing, and exquisite stained glass. An iron fence crowns the ashlar retaining wall fronting the property. This stately residence is today an integral part of the historic streetscape, representing the strong foundation of parochial education in Butte laid by its dedicated residents.


St. Patrick's Church Convent, Butte, MT
St. Patrick's Church Convent, Butte, MT View of facade Source: iPhone 8 image capture, jpeg format Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: May 28,2021


17 South Washington Street, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “St. Patrick's Convent,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,