Filed Under Butte

922 South Main Street

Butte National Historic Landmark District

Railroads were crucial to facilitate industrial-scale copper mining, and it was South Butte that became the city’s great railway hub. Because a variety of industries located here along with the railroad, South Butte reflects a colorful ethnic and occupational diversity. This picturesque residential/commercial building was constructed circa 1903 for T. T. Fitzmaurice and adds significantly to the area’s architectural variety. The distinctive Tudor look, achieved with the use of half-timbering on the upper story, is unique to the area. The building long served as a neighborhood grocery store and residence catering to railroaders, laborers, teamsters, and others who lived and worked in South Butte. The top floor originally accommodated up to five tenants in separate rooms with a common kitchen and bath. Two exterior stairways provided access to the upper floor. From 1918 to 1920, Ellen Ivey operated her grocery here. English-born Mrs. Ivey was the widow of a miner and lived upstairs with her daughter, Nellie. Jess Dearborn, a miner, boarded with the family.


922 South Main Street
922 South Main Street 922 South Main Street (PAc 91-51 B2 RollJB04 F28). Front view of the building, facing east to northeast on South Main Street near the corner of South Main and Iowa Avenue. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: John Byrne Date: 1982
922 South Main
922 South Main North elevation Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Bryan Baldwin Date: July 3, 2022


922 South Main Street, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “922 South Main Street,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,