Filed Under Butte

Morier Block

Butte National Historic Landmark District

A rounded corner and distinctive brick give this commercial/residential combination an unusual appearance. Historic maps reveal that before 1884, a collection of frame dwellings occupied this corner. North Dakota Street was then named Academy because the Butte Public School took up the neighboring block. By 1890, businesses lined this block of Broadway. A millinery, lodgings, furnished rooms, and dwellings occupied the collection of corner buildings. By 1891, individual frame buildings had been partially unified by brick veneer. In 1895, Henry E. Morier was among the upstairs residents. Morier, who served as Deputy County Clerk and Recorder in 1903, was a longtime Butte businessman and the building’s owner. In 1914, basement and storefront businesses included a taxidermist, a cobbler, a tailor and a saloon. Although Morier left Butte in 1925, the Morier Apartments continued to operate under that name into the 1990s. The building today reflects remodeling done between 1916 and 1931, which added the present light-colored brick veneer and four “up-to-date” storefronts.


Morier Block
Morier Block Morier Block (PAc 91-51 B1 RollCBD13 F23). Front to side view of the building, facing southeast on the corner of West Broadway Street and North Dakota Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1985


74-76 West Broadway Street, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Morier Block,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,