James Norris (Dick) Randall, “The Man who put the ‘Dude’ in Dude Ranching,” worked as a cowboy before heading to Yellowstone National Park in 1888. There, as a stagecoach driver for tourists, he soon recognized the business potential of outfitting hunting adventures for wealthy easterners and European aristocrats. In 1898, while Dick continued to work as a guide, he and his wife Dora purchased squatters’ rights to this land along Cedar Creek, in the shadow of the Absaroka Mountains. The ranch had a one-room log cabin with a dirt floor and sod roof and a corral. Soon wealthy hunting clients began sending their kids to the OTO to work as cowboys for the summer, the start of the Randalls’ dude ranching business. To accommodate the growing number of guests, the Randalls added to and upgraded their facilities into the 1920s. The new buildings evoked the rugged, frontier West through the use of native materials; a fine example is the 1921 grand lodge, which features a rubblestone foundation and unfinished log walls. The OTO’s consciously rustic style extended beyond its architecture. From 1912 to 1934, the Randalls promised western accommodations and pack trips long enough to give a person “the feel of the mountains.” During the OTO’s heyday, guests escaped the pressures of modern life while enjoying good food, horseback riding, ranch work, and music in the evenings. The Randalls retired in 1934, when former guest Chan Libby took over the operation. The OTO closed permanently in 1939.


OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT View of OTO Ranch log cabin accommodations. Source: iPhone 8 digital Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: Oct 2021
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT Overview looking north at ranch landscape with fence and original Shield's house at center. Source: iPhone 8 digital Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: Oct 2021
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT Overview of ranch landscape with barn and homestead house at center. Source: iPhone 8 digital Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: Oct 2021
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT View of OTO main lodge and front entry porch Source: iPhone 8 digital Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: Oct 2021
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT View of OTO Ranch main lodge east side porch entry with decorative railing supports Source: iPhone 8 digital Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: Oct 2021
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT Detail view of OTO Ranch main lodge side porch with decorative cast iron railing supports Source: iPhone 8 digital Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: Oct 2021
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT View of OTO Ranch brick boiler furnace outside the bath house. The furnace was used to heat water for the showers. Source: iPhone 8 digital Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: Oct 2021
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT
OTO Dude Ranch, Park County, MT View of OTO Ranch wood foot bridge over the creek Source: iPhone 8 digital Creator: Martha Kohl, photographer Date: Oct 2021
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch. Overview of the front of the property, facing the northeast near Cedar Creek Road. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch. Side view of Shield's House, facing northeast near the corral at the front of the property along Cedar Creek Road. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch second barn. View of south and east elevations. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch. Closer front/side view of Shield's house, facing north near the front of the property away from the corral. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch original homestead house. View of south and west elevations with damaged roof. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch. Overview facing east from Cedar Creek Road. View of courtyard with main lodge at center and north and south cabins on each side. showing the main ranch house and guest housing. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch. Overview of the ranch from atop the hill to the north of the property, facing south to provide a side view of the main ranch house and the guest houses on either side of the ranch house. Also featured is Cedar Creek Road, which is the main road leading into the property. These were additions made to the ranch into the 1910's and 1920's. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch. View looking west at east entry of Main Lodge. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002
OTO Dude Ranch
OTO Dude Ranch OTO Dude Ranch. Front view of the small guest cabins on the south side of the ranch house, facing south from Cedar Creek Road. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Walt Allen Date: Aug. 2002


10 miles northwest of Gardiner on Cedar Creek Road, Gardiner, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “OTO Dude Ranch,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024, https://mail.historicmt.org/items/show/1701.